Tag: Money

Claim what’s yours!

On 1 March 2021, the Welsh Government launched their the Claim What’s Yours campaign  (#hawliadyarian / #claimwhatsyours) to encourage people to check and claim the benefits they are entitled to.

The campaign will run from the 1 March through to the 25 March through online posts, newspaper advertisements and leaflet drops in targeted postcode areas.


To find out more about the campaign and to find out what you can claim visit https://gov.wales/claim-whats-yours.

Welsh Government  have also updated the information and support that is available to you if you have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Click here
The Discretionary Assistance Fund offers payments or in-kind support (essential household items and white goods) to provide urgent assistance to people to safeguard health and well-being.
For further information please follow this  link.


