About Us

Welcome to the Factory – the iconic building with a Tower in the centre of Porth which was once the bottling plant for Corona Pop. Did you know Dandelion

and Burdock was invented here?

The Factory after a decade as a media hub with Avanti Media is now, since 2010, part of the charity Valleys Kids.

Valleys Kids has a 40 year long successful track record of innovative, community development initiatives.

Valleys Kids’ vision

a celebration of the achievements of individuals and communities who, through trying different activities and having new experiences, broaden their horizons and achieve their potential

The Factory is one of the Valleys Kids sites where its vision can be realised; a cultural hive of community activity with businesses located within the building, meeting rooms, multi-functional venue, art gallery, studio and café. People come from far and wide to attend training courses, host parties, get married, make art, view exhibitions, or just hang out with a coffee.

Whatever you are here for, we hope you enjoy your time at the Factory and please come again.